Sunday, September 24, 2006

The big toilet mystery.......

Well on Thursday night we decided to attend a toilet training seminar held by our daycare. For the past 18 months we have been trying, very unsuccessfully, to toilet train Conor. But to no avail. So we thought we might be able to get some pointers and trotted along. It was amazing to see just how many other parents are in the same boat. I think there should be some kind of support group set up as it gets very stressful, which really doesn't help the process. During the past 18months we have tried absolutely every thing possible to get the message through. But we have one very stubborn little man on our hands I think. I thought you might find this amusing as the photo illustrates some of the funny sides of toilet training. Please if anyone has any other suggests please let me in on the secret.....

1 comment:

~Zeetra~ said...


I LOVE the mess. reminds me of something Abi would do-lol.
As for the TT, if possible dont rush it. he will go when he is ready.. if you push him it may backfire etc...
If Conor is at kindy, try starting TT in the next lot of hoildays,makes it easier than trying to TT him then putting him back in pull-ups or nappies.
When you do try, make him go every 10-30 minutes. Can be annoying but he will get the idea after hopefully a few days.
If your keen try the night training at the same time.
Alex took 3 nights and he was dry..
Do expect a few accidents.

Good luck and if i can help with anything else just ask away, if i dont know, i can ask someone who does....


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