Friday, October 06, 2006

That'll teach me ......

Well who else managed to survive the school holidays? I was very smug at the beginning of week one as my eldest two go to daycare which basically means they don't do school holidays, so here I was feeling very smug and pleased that my two days a week were going to remain in tact along with my sanity. Until the wee hours of Tuesday morning when Conor awoke crying and snotty nosed only to be quickly followed by the other two. My dreams dashed in a few seconds and my smug thoughts shattered I had to admit that they would be spending the next week at home. What an exhausting week not only did the three of them remain at home with the snotty noses and coughs but it was acompained by the grizzling and annoying whinging. I'm not complaining really, I know that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger but at three in the morning you really have to wonder who came up with that little ditty. To all the survivors out there well done you deserve a drink I on the other hand will settle for a good nights sleep.

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